Well, probably you’d like to get your students—even your reluctant readers—excited about reading.
Probably you’d also like to get your students excited about writing—including specific information on how to develop their own ideas into enticing stories.
And, let’s face it, you’d probably like to find an author who’s a pleasure to work with, who’s generous with his or her time and who has an ability to interact enthusiastically with students.
Here’s why Dan Greenburg is an author you should consider:
Dan is the author of 72 books, translated into 20 languages in 24 countries, including four series of children’s books: THE ZACK FILES, SECRETS OF DRIPPING FANG, WEIRD PLANET, and MAXIMUM BOY.
In up to three presentations a day, Dan gets students, especially reluctant readers, excited about books—about writing them as well as reading them. Drawing on his performing background (Dan has been a comedian on national TV and has acted small roles in four movies), he dramatizes the beginning of the SECRETS OF DRIPPING FANG series, using voices which kids find hilarious.
He gives kids many writing tips in the form of funny anecdotes. He tells where he gets his ideas and how he develops them into stories, explains story construction, tells them how to conquer Writer’s Block, and motivates them to rewrite. He tells them how becoming an author can give them super powers!
He tells of the adventures that have inspired his stories: riding with New York firemen for four months and running into burning buildings, riding with New York homicide cops for a year and helping capture dangerous criminals, interviewing felons in their maximum security prison cells without supervision, taking part in voodoo ceremonies in Haiti, flying upside down over the Pacific with a stunt pilot, swimming in the deep ocean with 80,000-pound humpback whales and their calves.
He describes a week he spent at a Texas tiger ranch, where he learned to discipline 200-pound tigers by yelling NO and smacking them on the nose—an experience which inspired his novel, CLAWS. He shows photos of himself frolicking with tigers, lions, and tiny tiger babies, photos which produce amazed squeals of joy from kids of all ages.
He reserves at least ten minutes for questions, his favorite part of the program.
Here’s what a principal from a New Jersey School said about Dan’s recent visit to her school:
“Dan Greenburg was an inspiration to both the students and staff. His storytelling had all of us on the edge of our seats. He has an uncanny ability to use his life experiences to teach students to be creative and inventive writers. He is, by far, the best author we have had visit our school!”
–Dr. Laura Russomano, Principal, Theunis Dey School, Wayne, New Jersey
More letters from schools where Dan has given presentations
“When Dan Greenburg spent the day at our school, you could see our kids leaning forward to catch every word he spoke! He recounted colorful events that had inspired some of his books. He emphasized the importance of planning, rewriting, and discipline in the writing process. He gave kids practical hints and useful formulae for developing a good story. All this was done with great humor and animation. Dan was patient and clear in taking questions. I was amazed at how willing he was to listen to individual students and give encouragement to their ideas.
“The kids in my elementary school adore books by Dan because they are weird, yucky, scary, exciting and funny. They open kids' minds to the infinite power of the imagination! Lately, it seems to me that elementary schools feel more and more like factory farms, and having a visit from an author like Dan, who explores the realms of the impossible, improbable, inadvisable, and ridiculous gives kids a break from all that awful utility.
“I felt that the visit was especially important for struggling readers and writers, because Dan's message was so clear and accessible to all. Students came away from Dan Greenburg Day feeling that they had had an important experience: one that was not only entertaining, but more important, informative and personal. Teachers, too, remarked about how useful Dan's visit was for inspiring and reinforcing good writing habits. The visit was a great success!”
–-Julia Boone Kessler, Librarian, West Road School, Pleasant Valley, NY
About developing a hunger for reading . . .
“It is not easy keeping young students interested in anything for 45 minutes, but the children were captivated by Mr. Greenburg's presentation. He had them on the edge of their seats with his vivid descriptions of his characters and stories. He instilled a hunger in our students for reading that we haven't seen in a long time.”
--Jim Mort, E.D. Teacher, Wayne Elementary, Steubenville, Ohio
“Dan, the children were thrilled to meet you and we just cannot keep your books on the shelves of our library. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that a child comes in to ask for a Zack Files book every three minutes. Your books even inspire otherwise reluctant readers. I honestly don’t think that an appearance by Derek Jeter would have caused more excitement!”
---Susan Seitner, Trudy DiGiorgio, librarians, The Dalton School, New York, NY
“Enthusiastic readers and reluctant readers alike treated Dan like a rock star when he visited our school: they hung on his every word, earnestly absorbed his writing advice, and clamored for his books (and autograph) after his riveting presentation. Dan's presentation truly inspired his audience to get reading!”
--Laura Kay, Visiting Authors co-chair, Public School 40, New York, NY.
“Dear Dan, Thank you so much for your visit to Frank G. Lindsey! I was totally unprepared for your celebrity status with the kids. As great as the presentations were, getting to sit with you afterwards and ask questions was the best part of the day for my kids.”
--Liz Fareed, Cultural Enrichment, Frank G. Lindsey School, Montrose , NY
“Dan, you’re the best! The Bellows kids can't stop talking about your visit and the library can't keep anything by you on the shelves.”
–-Margo Schmidt, librarian, F.E. Bellows School, Mamaroneck, NY
“Dan Greenburg's dramatization of the first book in The Secrets of Dripping Fang series had my students captivated! I have a waiting list two pages long for any book in that series.”
--Sue Sclafani, librarian, Canaan Elementary School, Patchogue, NY
“Dan, Thank you for your great imagination and writing at a level that encourages beginning readers to find something interesting, fun and enjoyable to read. You are amazing at what you do!”
--Michele Ford, Hallman Elementary School, Salem, Oregon
“Dan Greenburg is a masterful storyteller. He enthralls the audience with suspenseful anticipation, wit, and humor. He's an ideal presenter for elementary age students.”
–Judy Clegg, librarian, The University School of Milwaukee, Mequon, Wisconsin
"Dan Greenburg's author visit was an inspiration to students and faculty. Even reluctant readers are reading his books. Every chapter of the Dripping Fang series ends with a cliff hanger and students were begging me to read more!"
--Karen Fowler, SLMS, Vail Farm Elementary School, LaGrangeville, NY
“Dear Mr. Greenburg: We were part of the audience lucky enough to attend your presentation at Frank G. Lindsey this past Friday. I am a second grade special ed teacher and I can honestly say I have never seen the collective group more transfixed in all my years of assemblies. They really did hang onto your every word! Thanks so much for providing joy to so many kids!” --Susan Palestrant, Special Ed teacher, Frank G. Lindsey School, Montrose NY
"Dan Greenburg has visited Somers Intermediate School three different times for our annual Authors Day. The excitement he engenders in our readers lasts and lasts."
–Grace Ostermann, head librarian, Somers Intermediate School, Somers, NY
About inspiring kids to write . . .
“Dear Dan, you really inspired me! By the time you left I was swimming in a sea of ideas!”
--Allie G., a girl at Hillside Elementary School, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
“Dan Greenburg conducted writing workshops with our 4th and 5th grade classes. The students were thrilled to learn from and interact with such a famous author. They were clamoring to share their writing and get suggestions from him.
“Dan's feedback was honest and precise, and it dramatically improved their writing. Most importantly, since Dan’s visit, students have been energized and motivated to revise and publish. They worked on and revised their pieces even more. One of our 5th grade teachers was amazed at the energy level of her students. She said they couldn't stop talking about Dan or their writing. They have never been more excited to write!"
--Julie Artz, Reading Specialist, Lincoln Elementary, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
“Dan Greenburg is an inspiration! He captivated the students of Burr Elementary School with his stories and motivated them to be writers who revise their writing. Dan entertained our students with the fascinating adventures of his life and is highly recommended! --Gary A. Kass, Principal, Burr Elementary School, Fairfield, Connecticut
About Dan’s interaction with students . . .
“Dear Dan: I can't thank you enough for your wonderfully entertaining visit to F.E. Bellows! As one of my favorite children's book authors, it was great to meet the man behind the talent. For the past 3 years I have been reading your books in class. I could not wait to meet an author whose books I have used to interest unmotivated readers. My copies of the Dripping Fang Series are always out on loan from my classroom library, I can't seem to keep them on the shelves!
“The students and I were captivated by your storytelling from the Dripping Fang series. The entire auditorium was silenced as you delivered a spooky and grotesque introduction to this great series. Thank you for taking the time to answer our students’ questions open and honestly. Through their thought-provoked questions, I could tell that you had inspired them all.”
–Erin Kessler, teacher, F.E. Bellows school, Mamaroneck, NY
“We thoroughly enjoyed Dan Greenburg’s visit to the University School of Milwaukee! He captivated the audience – students and teachers/parents alike – with his engaging story telling. The students were at the edge of their seats. I was amazed at how quiet it was in the theater the whole time Mr. Greenburg was on stage…a silence broken only by the occasional giggle, from one of us adults, at his entertaining sound effects and lively narrative twists and turns.”
--Margy Stratton, Author Visits Co-Chair, The University School of Milwaukee, Mequon, Wisconsin
About being a really nice author . . .
“Dan Greenburg and his wife Judith did a wonderful job on their 3 day visit to Indian Creek. The kids were mesmerized by their stories and they might just be the kindest authors we've had here. They were not needy like many of the authors we've had in the past and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them. We had Dan visit with our 3rd-6th graders and Judith did K-2nd. They also did an evening presentation with families. Their books were always popular but we can't keep them on the shelf now!” --Michele M. Fabbro, District Library Coordinator, Indian Creek Local School District, Mingo Junction, Ohio
To discuss available speaking dates, fees, Skype presentations and writing workshops . . .
Call Dan Greenburg at
914-478-0382 or email him at:
The most successful presentations are those where copies of Dan’s books have been ordered well in advance of his appearance, and where students have had a chance to read at least a few of the books and discuss them in class.
And do you know J. C. Greenburg? (She's Dan's wife Judith.) She writes the humorous science adventure series, "Andrew Lost," for ages 6 through 10. J. C. is also available for presentations that will leave kids bubbling with questions and looking at everything from dirt to dinosaurs - and writing - in new ways. You can find out more about J. C. at these sites:
and contact her at:
In view of the difficult economy and cutbacks in funds for educational programs, Dan and Judith want to do their part to help schools continue their visiting author programs. If you're interested in a visit with either Dan or Judith Greenburg (or both), please contact them to discuss your needs and they will make every effort to work within your budget.